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Liaoning Helps Residents Improve Marital, Family Relations

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Liaoning Helps Residents Improve Marital, Family Relations

 February 14, 2023

Liaoning Helps Residents Improve Marital, Family Relations


To promote social harmony and stability, Liaoning Women's Federation during the past two years has administered a project (in the experimental counties or cities in Northeast China's Liaoning Province) to help residents improve their marriages and family relations.

The federation entrusts professional counseling and mediation organizations to provide various services (including helping residents resolve family disputes and offering them advice on how to improve their relations with their family members), at the family courts of the people's courts and the marriage registration offices (in various regions of the province).

So far, all of Liaoning's 14 cities have implemented the project (in the cities' experimental areas). Given the "interference" of the workers with the organizations, a combined 1,216 couples, who received the workers' mediation, were on good terms again, after they made efforts to improve their marital and family relations.


(Women of China English Monthly January 2023 issue)


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